

A selection of published work, written, photos, and video

A powerful new model could make global warming estimates less vague. I interviewed Caltech physicist Tapio Schneider about his mission to improve climate change predictions. For MIT Technology Review.

Is Nuclear Energy the ‘Real Green New Deal’? The Trump administration may back nuclear, but it still faces an uphill battle in the U.S. For Medium Politics

Ohio Just Granted Lake Erie the Same Rights as a Human. It’s the latest legal attempt to protect the beloved lake from environmental catastrophe. For Medium Politics


Is Mass Surveillance the Future of Conservation? It’s hard to catch illegal fishing in international waters—unless you turn to drones and birds strapped with spying devices. For Slate’s Future Tense.

Action at a Distance. How the visual effects industry is being lured away from California — and into two of the most expensive cities in the world. For The New York Times Magazine.

The Dangers of Keeping Women out of Tech. Computer science is one of the few STEM fields in which the number of women has been dropping. But as the president of Harvey Mudd College, Maria Klawe has been able to boost the proportion of women in its CS program to an impressive 40 percent. A Q&A with Klawe for WIRED.

Colloidal Silver Turns You Blue--But Can It Save Your Life? Celebrities ranging from Gwyneth Paltrow to Infowar's Alex Jones swear by colloidal silver as a germ-fighting miracle cure. But the medical community says there's no evidence for these benefits, and warns about a pretty weird side effect. Why do so many people continue to use it? For

The Björn Ultimatum. One Swede will kill cash forever—unless his foe saves it from extinction. Two men's fight over the future of currency in Sweden (and the world). For WIRED magazine.


Scientist Screwed Up? Send 'Em to Researcher Rehab. Jim DuBois is offering fallen scientists redemption--but not everyone thinks they deserve a second chance. For


We Could Probably Predict Zika Outbreaks if Humans Weren't so Unpredictable: How human behavior complicates the impacts of climate change. For FiveThirtyEight.

What's Inside Tiger Balm? Hint: Not actual tigers. I investigated the ingredients of the mysterious sports rub for WIRED magazine.

It's On! The Race to Wire the Brain. Bryan Johnson is convinced that human intelligence needs an upgrade. I sat down with him to find out more about the mysterious brain implant he's developing. For Neo.Life.

Return to Sender. As climate change takes its toll, can recycled sewage water provide the answer to California’s water woes? A feature I co-wrote with Sasha Harris-Lovett for Undark.

Welcome To Colontown, USA. Breast cancer has “Save the Boobies,” prostate cancer gets Movember, and skin cancer has a Marc Jacobs line. Now, colon cancer has a place all its own. For GOOD online.

PSA To Surfers: Protect Yourself From Superbugs (This Story Could Save Your Life). For the online surf mag The Inertia, a practical guide to help surfers avoid antibiotic-resistant infections.

Obsessed: Tech inside and out. A mini profile of Alexia McKenzie, an extreme life-optimizer, for WIRED magazine.


El Mar Se Comió Todo: On the Shrinking of Cuba. Visiting climate refugees in a disappearing Cuba. Pacific Standard online.


Pier 94: By the People, For the Birds. Volunteers transformed an industrial dump in San Francisco into thriving wetland bird habitat. Bay Nature & SF Public Press


Adding More Plastic to Our Oceans Could Clean Them Up. Chemist Abby Knight thinks she might be able to add more plastic to our waterways to clean up a different kind of pollution. WIRED magazine

‘Fitbits’ for Newborns. Really. A new start-up is offering "smart" changing pads that track a baby's every feeding, weight gain, and diaper change, promising to help you make sure your baby's healthy. But is this much data healthy for parents? KQED San Francisco

Your Smartphone as Dermatologist: Fast, Cheap…and Often Wrong. Early detection is vital to surviving melanoma, but long wait times and high co-pays can keep patients from getting to the dermatologist. New smartphone cancer-detection apps claim to solve this problem. Do they work? (Spoiler: not really). KQED San Franciso